We hope you liked the above posts, if you want more updates on such useful posts via email for free, click here. This is a kind for feature in a certain RAID configuration, but annoys many users.
Fixed SATA Drive shown in removable USB drive list: This problem we have recently seen for many users.
This will save the drive from getting virus infections.
Disable data writing on pen drive: This is one of the articles which tells you how you can stop data writing on your pen drive on a particular computer. This problem can be fixed by following few simple steps.
Delayed Write failed error: This is another kind of error which is more common with USB hard drives due to some error in File allocation table. USB Device has Malfunctioned: This one of the unusual warnings which you get sometimes, the solutions to this problems sounds silly, but it works, see the solution here. Problem in formatting pen drive: Sometimes when you try to format the pen drive, you might see an error which says “Can not format the drive”. The drive is there and detected but without a valid drive letter assigned to it. USB drive is detected, but not shown in My Computer: This kind of problem is also seen in cases of conflict over drive letter assignment by windows. To see the safety tips on how to protect the computer from virus infection by pen drive, see this post. Protect computer from virus in pen drive: Many of the deadly viruses spread easily through use of pen drive. It may damage your pen drive if it is removed without stopping it properly. Problem in removing pen drive: When you try to remove the pen drive via safely remove hardware option, it gives error “Generic volume can not be stopped right now”. To enable the USB drive when it is blocked, see this post.
Pen Drive or USB Mass storage device disabled at office or college or school: At many offices and colleges, the IT people disable or block the use of pen drives. After you fix up the registry, the USB drive will work fine. Computer Does Not Detect Pen Drive or USB Drive or i-pod : This kind of problem is faced due to some bad registry settings. Lets see a short summary of each problem and the fix: Fix: Top 10 USB drive / pen drive related problems and fixes: Let us summarize top 10 useful posts for your quick reference. Over the past few months we have written about a lots of troubles of USB Pen drives and their solutions. There are millions of users of USB drives or pen drives in the world today and it has become one of the most used data storage device.
If the answer is yes, the you are not alone. Let me ask you a question Are you facing any problem with your USB pen drive ?